Saturday, February 6, 2010

How to get your dream bods, Malaysian style!

Semi-emo night yesterday. Friday night. I'm all alone. Typical drama.

Wasted a lot of time at the gym (now my butt hurts and my shoulders ache like a bitch) doing weight training. Ran 4km on the treadmill for half an hour, spent another half an hour in the sauna. Since I went in late, there were no annoying makciks to gossip away in there, with their annoying high-pitched voices, talking about the next bonus and how they cheated on the moves in BodyJam classes. Usually I'll try to ignore. But how can I?? Seriously. All of them are, to me, fat ('cuz I'm a weight OCD). To you, maybe chubby. No, no. Fat. 

They pay average of RM150 monthly for the gym, obviously having imageries of Jolie's or Monica Bellucci's bods in their heads, wishing those were theirs in another 2 months or so. 

So they go, religiously to these group exercises (kalau group senang sikit nak gossip in between the steps and the sit-ups), work out a little at the weight machine, maybe for 50 seconds before giving up on the 2.5kg steel plates, then off they go to the women's changing room for MORE gossip in the sauna. 

Then, tomorrow, time bangun pagi, lapar, pastu breakfast nasi lemak sambal kerang, extra telur goreng. 


Petang, pergi gym, gossip lagi. 

An example of one that I've eavesdropped (can't help it, too entertaining):

Chubby Lady A: Eh, ko dah jumpa dah *insert a girl's name* tu?
Fat Lady B: Ada! Ada! Hari tu aku jumpa dia! Ehhhh, dia dah kurus la!!!
Chubby Lady A: Tula kan! Tapi dia tak pergi gym pun. Kita yang pergi gym ni tak kurus-kurus pun!!

Gee, I wonder why.

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